Thursday, June 17, 2010

BP CEO Sideshow

I was just watching the live webcast of the testimony of Tony Hayward, Chairman of BP, before a congressional hearing.

Setting all other feelings about the spill aside, what a circus! Mr. Hayward barely got two words of his opening remarks out when some woman in the back row of the chamber stood up with a tar-like substance on her hands and face and started shouting something I couldn't understand but I’m sure will be put in sub-titles in subsequent media coverage.

If you look at the rest of the room as the gang of videographers scramble to get the shot of the woman being handcuffed, you’ll see that there are very few audience members in the room, which begs the question: how did this lady get through security looking like a tar-baby. If she put the substance on her hands and face after entering, what kind of security check lets a lady with a purse full of tar into the room?

I suspect the whole thing was scripted. Congressman Bart Stupak of Michigan was chairing, and after the lady was hauled off by police, he simply said, “Please begin your remarks again. As you know emotions run high on this topic.” His demeanor made it sound like he was saying, “I hope you don’t mind that we asked that lady to go through that Aboriginal war dance, but we’re trying to up our ratings before the noon news break.” Immediately after the five minute opening remarks, Stupak gaveled to adjourn for lunch.

P.T. Barnum would probably suggest making better use of the clowns before breaking for intermission. We’ll see if the sideshow continues after lunch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of side-shows....I heard some rhetoric (conservative talk/radio) that that whole congressional hearing thing was all staged. That Tony Hayward had already met with the president and there had been some "signings" of documents etc. I've heard things like the whole oil debacle was actually "staged" as bring about the environmental laws, cap n trade etc. to put into motion what we're seeing happening. I don't know...probably anything is possible. I think we can "hope" that the elections in November can help us but to put our trust in man...that too is trouble-some to me.
So we sit back...wait and see...but I will be praying for a better outcome. In the meantime this president is an example of "our just desserts"...our Higher Power giving 'us' over to what we saw to be good in our own sights. The thing about the rain falling on the just and the un-just...comes to mind.

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