Thursday, September 18, 2008

Disclaimer from my other blog before PI

This short post is actually a link to a post some may find of interest, but I chose not to put at the top of my blog.

I trust people who read here know I am a Christian, but like most readers, I find “in your face” religion less than winsome. As a writer, I'd rather let people get to know me over time, and then in that context allow them to see reminders of the faith and beliefs that give purpose to my life.

Likewise, in the heat of this political season, I have thus far chosen not to stir politics directly into the Patterns of Ink pot. Partly to keep peace among friends, and partly because I understand how they can see appealing qualities in both of the leading figures in this race. But mostly I've been avoiding political posts to avoid the mess. I’ve seen such topics boil over in comment sections on other blogs. [Thus the comment section is also at the link.]

So in an effort not to interrupt the thread of these “Unsettled” posts about my homestead, I have hidden a very current first-person, eye-witness report and placed it deep in my archives. It’s rare that I have a “front row seat” to something the whole country is watching, but last night I did, and I wrote about it below.

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