Monday, February 15, 2010

Climategate U-turn as scientist at centre of row admits: There has been no global warming since 1995: Read the whole article here:

I like penguins almost as much as polar bears do (although I understand they prefer baby sea lions and seals). But really now! Have you ever seen so many penguins coming from Hollywood in all your life as you have in the past ten years? From documentaries to feature animated films, the happy feet of penguins are marching in lock-step for the cause. The same over-exposure has been given to polar bears. So much so that I've suspected for some time that the two main "human" causes of melting polar ice caps (if any) has been (A) all the lime light shining on penguins and polar bears and (B) all the hot air coming from Al Gore.

I wrote on this topic in a post about Wigley and Wang a while back. This more recent article says:

"Professor Jones also conceded the possibility that the world was warmer in medieval times than now – suggesting global warming may not be a man-made phenomenon.And he said that for the past 15 years there has been no ‘statistically significant’ warming. The admissions will be seized on by sceptics as fresh evidence that there are serious flaws at the heart of the science of climate change and the orthodoxy that recent rises in temperature are largely man-made."

Now that the spotlight is off the polar bears and on the scientists who have been cooking the global-warming books, perhaps we can begin redirecting mankind's desire for restoration toward restoring a proper relationship between creatures and the Creator.


Anonymous said...

I've been absent for a few days..busy retirement doncha know LOL
I was sharing with The Hub just yesterday---ALL this crazy weather we're having--wouldn't be surprised that our Creator sent it just to show sho *really* causes the weather changes. It's cold ALL the way down to The Bahamas, snow in the FL Panhandle, with more of the white stuff in areas that hardly ever see it AND "warming" where the Olympics is happening.
Let's see some more "back-pedaling" from our so-called experts. Bet Al Gore is "imcommunicato" these days...

Anonymous said...

It has been an amazing disintegration of so-called indisputable "science" that is so politicized the entire body of evidence is suspect.

Anonymous said...

It's global baloney and it's nothing more than a money making scheme for algore and other leftists that are bitter they can't win elections on their own merits.Global baloney also was the harbinger of the new fascism/communism era that is so wanted by the left. Too bad, all done, and so is Obama and his quest for supreme command.

I pop in when I'm able to voice my somewhat abrasive opinions. ;-)

patronus incognitus said...

Hi, J_G,
I think their baloney is in a meat grinder and they don't even know it. If there are those who doubt that global warming is driven by politics (desiring a global economic shift) and not science, they should ask themselves this question: Good science begets good science and bad science begets dogma for those seeking to grasp or retain power. Where is the good science? All we've heard is dogma. Dogma has been defined as "What you have to believe whether you believe it or not." (Dallas Willard) In other words, there are some things idealogues must pretend are true in order to justify the what they intend to do whether it is true or not. Dogma can be found in false religion and bad science, which after all, is a form of false religion.

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