Originally posted November 2, 2008, but re-posted in light of this new development.
The following post is not about Obama's recently discovered Kenyan aunt who lives in public housing in Boston. Nor is it about the donations she was making to her nephew's campaign. It's about the fact that today Obama sent the $260 back to his aunt since it is illegal to accept donations from foreigners--much less illegal aliens.

I have no issue with Obama's alien aunt, and in fact, I Peter 2:11-13 gives Christians reason to relate to aliens in this world. I have addressed what might be a Christ-like approach to illegal aliens in this retelling of the Good Samaritan. The following thoughts are not about the aunt. The Republicans had nothing to do with this story, and like the Republicans, who have called this a "family matter," I'll steer clear of this touchy development... as it pertains to her. But as it pertains to Obama's pattern of denials... that's a different matter.
It should be noted that Obama cared enough about his sweet aunt back in the 80's to visit her in Kenya; he cared enough in 1992 to visit there again and introduce her to his wife-to-be; he cared enough about her in 1999 to fly her to Chicago for a visit while he served in the Illinois Senate; he cared enough about her in 2004 to fly her from Kenya (with only a temporary tourist visa) to D.C. for his induction into the U.S. Senate; he cared enough to take her call when she told him in 2006 that she never returned to Kenya after she came to see him sworn in. It was then she told him she was living in Boston. I think it's great that he has cared enough about this lady for 20 years. I just think it's strange that he hasn't cared enough for her.
Yesterday the "illegal alien" part of the story broke (Or did it break? I've not seen it on TV. Nor have I seen it--but for this puff piece-- in the Boston Globe that smeared Romney during the primaries for hiring "illegals.") And how did Obama respond? He did it again. He claimed to know everything but the inconvenient, controversial information about the person. He did it with Wright, with Ayers, with Rezko, with Khalidi, and now he's doing the same thing with his aunt; Obama claims he didn't know she had not gained citizenship or legal status.
Oh, really? The same sweet "Auntie Zeituni," you flew in on "visiting visas" for two events in your life? You didn't care enough to send her a card when she gained legal status through the INS (or to be present at her ceremony had she been sworn in as an American citizen)? We either have to believe you didn't care about the moment she became "legal" or that you knew she was illegal but you didn't care enough to intervene.

I do wonder 'why Boston and not Chicago?' (Did she get work and housing with some help from Obama's Harvard-years network?) I do wonder how it is that an illegal alien qualifies to live in "public housing" underwritten by U.S. taxpayers. I do wonder how without a green card she is employed by the Boston Housing Authority. I do wonder how it is that not her but other foreign sources give money (large and small amounts) undetected. I do wonder how many other illegal foreign contributions were in Obama's $600,000,000 stash of cash. I do wonder if she or any of the other 10,000,000 illegal aliens have managed to find fake IDs and an address (or park bench to claim as their address) so they can vote.
I do wonder how much his aunt's living here affected his answer in this debate. Or if it helped motivate him during this speech at NCLR. Or if it affected his objectivity as he "played a key role in the crafting of the immigration reform bill.
Even more troubling are the many other unbelievable provisions Obama put in his bill that will give illegals the EITC, yes that's the Earned Income Tax Credit, which is the money taken from people who pay taxes given to those who do not in Obama's "Spread the Wealth" plan. Listen to the whole clip, and understand that it pertains to both Obama’s illegal immigration “give aways” and his future promise to spend your money to help Auntie Zeituni and the millions like her living here in defiance of our laws.
I'm wondering a lot of things about this overnight story, but I'm not going to touch it. I'm not going to do to Auntie Zeituni what the Dems and the media did to "Joe the Plumber." Hear that? Leave the poor lady alone, but feel free to shout a big "YEAH, RIGHT!" at Obama as you ponder this most recent denial of yet another inconvenient detail about someone near and dear to him. [Update Monday: Maybe "near and dear" was a stretch. When asked about his aunt by Katie Couric, Obama said, yes, she should be deported. Ouch! That's harsher treatment than he suggests for the other 10,000,000 for whom he supports amnesty. Poor Auntie Zeituni. No ticket to the inauguration for you. You better go hide with Uncle Omar. Although, I'm confident you have nothing to fear--your nephew will reverse his statement AFTER the election.]
End of original post from November.
Emphasis added March 31, 2009, after reading this article.
I hate to say "I told you so" so I won't....
First 4 comments below are from back in November...
1 comment:
Tammy said...
The whole story, when I heard about it today, seems strange...for all the facts you just mentioned.
But then, strange and Obama seem to go hand in hand, I'm finding...
Praying this weekend for the election and for our nation!
Thanks for stopping by, Tom!
2/11/08 12:18 AM
PI said...
This was indeed a strange discovery, which any other time with any other political candidate would have raised all sorts of questions. Do you remember the term "Nannygate" from the mid-90's. It described all sorts of "appointees" who were rejected because of their knowing awareness of "illegals" (who were nannies, housekeepers, gardeners, etc.) It happened again with Romney last year. I think I'll add that to this post.
But this is touchy. If it gets too much attention it will swing the entire Latino vote against whoever makes a big deal about it. So it will just become another shoe-bump under the rug in the media newsroom.
2/11/08 1:50 PM
Bubbles In My Think Tank said...
I'm just hearing about this....it just keeps going doesn't it Tom? The only thing to do now is pray. Pray for what happens at the polls on Tuesday and then every day after that if Obama wins the election.
Thank you for making those like me, that are not so politically smart, understand just a little more.
2/11/08 9:52 PM
PI said...
Long time no see [if that makes sense in a blog].
I know it's Sunday and I haven't been watching the news a lot today, but I have heard nothing about the first story except in all sorts of sources on-line. I think it might just be too touchy for the networks to pick up. It’s sort of a no-win development… but interesting and certainly unlike anything any Presidential candidate has had come up in the history of American politics.
But the closing story about the coal industry (remarks made in San Francisco as if PA and the coal belt would never know he said it), that is already getting some legs this evening. I don't know about your electricity, but ours is made from a coal-burning plant about five miles from my house. Sure, we all like the idea of "clean coal" technology, but in the interview, Obama makes it clear that his true goal is to impose so much expense on the current coal industry that it goes under. Biden said the same thing on a rope line a month ago, but Obama "smooth talked" it away. Again his own words make his true intentions very clear.
I wish that were the only thing at stake in this election.
Think. Talk. Vote. Pray.
Beyond that, it's good to remember that passage in I Peter 2:11-13. It's we who will be more and more the aliens in time, but we do have our instructions and the reassurance that what's in the making is not history but His story.
2/11/08 10:55 PM
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