Then in 2002, when Emanuel pursued the U.S. House seat in the 5th District of Illinois previously held by Rod Blagojevich, disgraced Governor of Illinois, my suspicions that Emanuel was a crooked Chicago insider only grew. (And grew deeper as he seemed embroiled in both the Blagojevich corruption and the merger of Clinton-Obama power in the 2008 campaign.)
My long affection for Israel and those who defend that state are a matter I'll take up in a different post. So why my feelings of distrust for a man whose Jewish roots go so deep in his father's homeland that some have alleged he has dual citizenship in Israel. But Emanuel's deep roots in Israel and Chicago's Jewish community have always seemed a bit self-serving. Once you know his background from, in, and with Israel (links above), he becomes even more mysterious in that his loyalties are hard to ascertain.
The fact that he is a "wait and see who's likely to win" politician was made clear in 2008 when he slithered from under the Clinton's rock (where he'd lived for over a decade) over to the Obama camp. And thus, he continues a long record of being a "master mind" behind people who hold enormous power on the world stage.

Over the weekend, Emanuel seems to have given Israel a veiled threat that unless they appease the Palestinians, the Arab world will step back and let Iran "take her out."
This article in the Jerusalem Post said: "Israeli TV stations had reported Monday night that Emanuel had actually linked the two matters, saying that the efforts to stop Iran hinged on peace talks with the Palestinians. The remarks were reportedly made in a closed-door meeting previous day with 300 major AIPAC donors on Sunday."
Next Day Update: "Obama Take Tougher Tone Against Israel"
I know this is not how to judge a person, but Rahm Emanuel just looks mean to me...and crooked.
Emanuel is as self serving as they come. He fits the bill for all the conspiracy theorists too. Clinton adviser, Jewish supposed dual citizen, AIPAC, held Blago's Congressional seat.
Emanuel is playing chicken with Benjamin Netanyahu to see who flinches. It won't be Bibi though, he is strong willed and has only the Interest of Israel at heart unlike Emanuel. Emanuel is more than likely aligned with the Kadima party which is the opposition party right now.
Bibi has no plans to concede any land to the Palestinians and will make no concessions because that has already been tried in Gaza and that was a disaster as every informed person already knows.
We'll see how Mr. Emanuel does with The Apologizer in Chief. It's likely to lead to another attack disaster.
I know what you mean "a book by its cover" and all that, but when you hear of his tactics and then watch his eyes as he scopes out a situation or "pulls his strings" you see a man not to be trusted.
Hey, it's been a long time. Glad to see you are still "on track" with these matters. I hadn't thought about the possible Kadima connection. That would make sense.
Until writing this post, I was unaware of Emanuel's strong ties and experiences within Israel itself. I was in Israel in '97, the last time Netanyahu was in office, and you are right. He is a strong leader and will not blink, which cannot be said of his former strong ally, the U.S.
All I can say is..."Big Sigh"!!!
When I very first heard this guy's name (& I confess it wasn't until this present administration was creating it's cabinet) I thought of what his last name really means (interesting for a Jewish guy)!! Emmanuel means "Christ With Us" does it not?? Just some introspection here! As you say...the stage is being set as the "birth pangs" come closer together.
You are correct about the meaning of Emanuel, but if you look in those links about his roots,you'll see that that is not his real last name. His father changed it when they moved here from Israel. I really do think he is a person to watch. He has had untold influence behind the scenes of two administrations and seems to be "setting something up" by way of manipulating the tensions of the Middle East.
In debate, we call it a "straw man" tactic when someone creates an issue or problem for which they just happen to have the "perfect solution." Could it be that we first need the crisis with Israel to come to "near disaster" so someone can get credit for a short-term peace there? Hmmmm....
Point well taken PI!!!! A friend and I were just talking today wondering about how we "get to" live in "such a time as this".
As Corrie Ten Boom stated in "Hiding Place"...God will give us the "ticket" when we really need it! But since we know the rest of the story...learning to trust (in our humaness) sometimes is difficult. I just pray that The Church will rise and be strong. What was Joshua told (?)..."be strong and courageous"!!!
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