Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Al Gore: Bore Me More Until I Snore

At the end of this Al-Gore-bore-me-more-until-I-snore speech, he says that the next generation will ask this one question, "What were you thinking?" I would suggest that some more pertinent questions were rumbling under the mortarboards that day, such as: "Why did we invite this guy to speak at our commencement?" and "Can you believe this guy was almost elected president? Thank God for hanging chads." and "Thanks for the optimism, Mr. Gore. Where can we buy tickets to the next Jim Jone's Kool Aid Reunion?"

I am a huge supporter of being good stewards of God's creation, and I would agree that we have often failed to clean up our own mess as guests on His earth. Likewise, I'm not suggesting that there are not plenty of strange things happening in the world today as if we are witnessing some epic storyline in need of redemption.

I'm only saying that the cult Gore seems to be leading has it wrong. The worsening state of global political-economic affairs are the result of man's doing, but most of the natural geological and /or geo-thermal affects (many of which are in dispute) are not caused by man--nor will the solution come from man. Gore and his comrades have given man the lead role in this story because it gives them political power. Oil spills are one thing--they are preventable, and we must learn from this fiasco in the gulf.

On the other hand, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornados, hurricanes, volcanoes, and yes even lightening-caused forest fires are not preventable. The increase in these things is not news to many people who understand History. Has Gore attempted to assess the pollution from the recent mile-high plume of ash and smoke from Iceland and compare it to the coal plants of the U.S.? I doubt it, because there is no political power gained from knowing that natural occurrences such as volcanoes or forest fires probably out-pollute in days what collective man-made sources do in years. Gore is determined to write his own storyline, one in which the cause of our woes is greedy capitalists so that he gets to be the grand oracle (while at the same time investing his personal capital in the new economy he hopes to impose on the world).

I could be wrong, but I suspect this goes beyond economics. Whether they understand their role in History or not, it's possible that Gore and company insist that man is the cause of the problem so that man (or a man) can be the solution. Paving the way for a man-centered solution to our ills seems crucial to the man-centric theology of this political-economic movement. This worldview is based as much on science fiction as it is true science. This theology does not require the good news (or Gospel) but the rather "bad news" according to Gore, as preached at the University of Tennessee this past weekend.

Most of geo-thermal conditions Gore blames on mankind can be neither caused, controlled, nor corrected by man, and yet he continues to act as if man is the center of everything on earth. I wonder why? Who is being left out of this picture? That is much more likely to be the question we will all be asked to answer in the future.


Anonymous said...

I rarely check "my" blogs these days...not sure why. Anyway, your post echos some of my thoughts.
I remember "back in the day" ('80's?) his wife Tipper was in the news as being a Christian mom who was worried about how the culture was affecting her children. We never hear about her anymore...and I wonder her thoughts on her mate's stance?!? I remember hearing of Washington wives at that time, who were involved in a Bible study and were praying for their husbands. Perhaps it's continuing to this day. yes! Only through that will we see "the rest of the story" unfold. What think you of B.O.'s (oh, my..the acronym these initials portray) comment on bringing a NEW WORLD ORDER to correct what's wrong....

patronus incognitus said...

I was in Destin with the seniors from our school and got behind in checking here.

I did find B.O's statement very interesting.

Even more interesting is your question about Tipper. A week after you wrote this, we learned that they are separating (just days after their 40th Anniversary). I'm not happy about that, but I'm sure there is more to the story, and my guess is she is tired of being married to a whacko who is perpetrating a hoax for personal gain.

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