Thursday, May 27, 2010

Obama Has Been "on top of this"
Since Day One... Yea, Right
Listen to it at this link. It proves what I said a few posts back that the press has put more effort into keeping Obama "clean" than he has in the gulf. He has neglected his duties in the gulf disaster. For five weeks, he has done everything BUT what is expected of him by law under these circumstances, and the press has not once read him the "instruction manual" found at this link. Obama is so afraid of this becoming "his mess" that Press Secretary Mark Gibbs actually called a special meeting with the White House Press Corp and scolded them for asking too many questions about the spill.
For those readers who know where I am right now, I wanted to add this first-hand account about the oil spill in the gulf.
We have been on the beaches in Destin's Emerald Coast (Florida Panhandle) since Saturday. We are now heading home. The weather has been great. The beaches are beautiful. The dolphins are as playful as ever. Blue Claw Crabs are still very sporting during night-time hunts. No sign of the oil spill here--yet!
One hundred miles to the south and west of us, however, in the most southern and eastward tips of the state of Louisiana, the oil is beginning to wash up on shore. Our taxi driver at the airport was from Louisiana, and he is heartsick about this. In our daily travels we pass BP gas stations that have no customers. I have heard nothing of an official "boycott," but it seems to be happening quite naturally, and my guess is it will continue until this mess is cleaned up.
Cities all along the coast are living on pins and needles. The sad fact is, there has been so much hype about the potential contamination of these beaches that thousands of tourists are canceling their plans every week. In other words, the financial impact of this floating river of crude has already begun even if it never makes actual contact with the coast.
Even James Carville is blasting Obama's bungling of this disaster. After five weeks, Obama still can't do anything more than get angry and demand that the hole be plugged. Oh, that he were this slow about all forms of government intervention.

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